Clairin Sajous is produced at Distillerie Chelo, owned by Michel Sajous in the countryside of St Michel de l’ Attalaye in central northern Haiti. Michel Sajous is third-generation producer, having built his own distillery in 2004 on the site of his family’s distillery before him. Distillerie Chelo is a small, well-organized distillery which uses the cane juice of Canne Cristalline, a very old heritage variety with incredible aromatic complexity.
Michel’s harvest season typically runs between December and August. His fields are cut by machete and the sugar cane is immediately brought to the distillery where it is then pressed by a small diesel mill. The juice ferments spontaneously with the ambient yeast of his land – fermentation typically takes around one week.
Clairin Sajous shows fine aromatics with compelling notes of bright citrus and grassy botanicals
Clairin Sajous is represented by the painting of the famous Port-au-Prince based artist, Simeon Michel.